Audiometry test is the name given to the test performed to measure and categorize the hearing status of individuals. The audiometry test, also known as the hearing test, is based on the measurement of hearing from the airway and bone canal through an audiometer device.
Why is Audiometry Performed?
Audiometry test is performed in cases of suspected hearing loss and during routine health checks. In addition, in case of starting work, audiometry test is performed for precaution and learning purposes.
Common causes of hearing loss include:
• Genetic factors
• Chronic ear infections
• Hereditary conditions, such as otosclerosis, that occur when an abnormal growth of bone prevents structures in the ear from working properly
• Fracture etc. affecting the ear. situations
• Inner ear diseases such as Ménière’s disease or an autoimmune disease affecting the inner ear
• Regular exposure to loud sounds
• A torn eardrum
The biggest cause of hearing loss is noise. Noisy working environments, high volume concerts, cafes, etc. areas are primarily effective in hearing loss. However, hearing loss is observed due to damage and diseases in the ear, or congenital.
ORisks of dyometry
The audiometry test is performed by hearing care professionals and there is no risk.
Preparation for Audiometry
There is no special situation that the person has to do in the preparation of the audiometry test. There is no different preparation to be made except for an otoscopic examination of the ear just before the test is performed and the test person is told about the test.
How is the test done?
Audiometry testing is usually done in a closed cabinet. It is a test that starts from the ear that the person hears better, sending sounds from high to low and pressing the button in the sounds heard by the tested person. Different instructions can be given during the test.
Pure tone test (Audiogram) – Earphones attached to the audiometer and bone conduction vibrators are used for this test. In the test performed with the earphone, the airway thresholds are measured, and in the test with the bone vibrator, the bone canal thresholds are measured. The test person is asked to press the button even for the lowest sound he hears, and this way the minimum level of hearing is found.
Speech audiometry – Speech audiometry is a test battery that consists of several different tests. The lowest sound level at which the test person understands the words spoken, the sound level he / she can hear most comfortably, and the ability to understand speech in the range of sounds he can hear comfortably are measured with different techniques. It is an essential test battery to be made in order to understand the perception problem that occurs as a result of hearing loss.