Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic surgery can be broadly classified as reconstructive or cosmetic (aesthetic) surgery, depending on whether it is done primarily to restore function or change the physical appearance.
Reconstructive plastic surgery is a treatment used to treat dysfunctional (related to a structure or disorder in the work of the organ) body parts. Although it can also change the appearance of the individual, it is primarily used to restore function..
Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are a side branch within plastic surgery. Aesthetic (or cosmetic) surgery deals with operations and attempts to make the body image more beautiful and perfect. Its techniques and principles are completely focused on improving the patient’s appearance. Improving aesthetic appeal, symmetry and proportion are key goals. An aesthetic surgery can be performed on the head,neck and every part of the body.
In summary; Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery works to repair any defects (cavities) affecting the skin subcutaneous and bones on the entire body surface While doing this, the basic rule is to repair with tissues similar to what tissues have disappeared.